Are you ready to build your bulletproof mindset? A mindset that becomes unstoppable with being positive and disciplined in life. This mindset will help you overcome any hardships you face in life and will help you accomplish the goals and dreams you set out for yourself.
How to build a bulletproof mindset
Yesterday was a fantastic day. I got to talk on a podcast with my Idol, Paul Chek, for about 3 hours, then had more great convos over dinner with him. To be completely honest with you, there was something that bothered me with my experience. Everything I visioned did manifest the way I dreamed of except one thing...My weight A few months ago, I went on Social media and confessed to the world that I had gained weight in the past two years. I was about ten percent body fat for three years; in 2017, I got up to 302 lbs but coached myself down to 205 lbs, nice and lean. I visioned myself spending yesterday with my mentor, lean, but that didn't happen.
There are two things I can do about this.
1- Beat myself up mentally and repeat the patterns that made me fat
2- I can Use my imagination of what I want to look like and start taking steps to accomplish my goal
I had a flight that left San Diego at 10 pm last night, a redeye to JFK ( NYC). I got home around 8 am this morning, took a two-hour nap, and started my day editing content, emailing clients, meetings, and playing with my pups. It's 2:30 pm, and I can feel my mind telling me to go lay down and relax, to get comfortable, and to be satisfied in my life... But If I want to become the lean Nate, I must put the work in. I'm going to the gym, then go food shopping to make sure I eat the things that help me get lean. I'm going to do this if I feel like it or not. Don't allow the mind to play these little tricks on you. The subconscious mind does not like change. So when you start with a new goal/dream, you must use affirmations, imagination, and discipline to stay clear on what you want.
This is part of building a BulletProof mindset. This helped me accomplish everything I set out for myself, and it will help you do the same.
If you are ready to become the person you dream of becoming, start building your bulletproof mindset now.
It's a great day to be YOU-BeGreatWithNate.
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6 Steps To Building A Unstoppable (BulletProof) Mindset