The Crown Chakra, also known as the seventh chakra, is located at the top of the head or slightly above – like a crown, radiating upward. Its location means it is closely linked to the brain and the nervous system. The crown chakra is not a destination or conclusion but a rebirth as we prepare for the continual unfolding of new experiences. A Functional crown Chakra will help you keep your mind focused on reprogramming the dysfunctional patterns of your thoughts and behavior.
When the crown chakra is too open, one may experience
Mood swings that are associated with episodes of mood swings ranging from depressive lows to manic highs
Confused sexual expression
Sense of unrealized power
When the crown chakra is too blocked, one may experience the following:
Constantly exhausted
Can't make decisions
No sense of “belonging.”
The Emotional dysfunction of the crown chakra is Depression, obsessional thinking, and confusion.
The Physical dysfunction of the crown chakra is exhaustion, epilepsy, Alzheimer's, and sensitivity to pollution.
The Associated body parts of the crown chakra are the upper skull, cerebral cortex, and skin.
The Gland that connects to the crown chakra is the Pineal.
The Goal of the Crown chakra is Expanded Consciousness.
The life lesson of the crown chakra is Selflessness, which is concerned more with the needs and wishes of others than with one's own.
The main issues for the crown chakra are spirituality and selflessness.
When the crown chakra is balanced, one will be a magnetic personality, achieves “miracles” in life, and is at peace with self.
There are two types of personality types you will see, one that comes from a person who has a functional crown chakra and one that has a dysfunctional crown chakra. The Egocentric and Guru. In this podcast, you will learn how to overcome and heal a blocked crown chakra.
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Crown Chakra-Energy Blockage With Spirituality , Focus, and Your Higher Self