I can't tell you how many clients I work with ( all working classes) that struggle with financial literacy. Not being educated in financial literacy causes a subconscious trigger with the Root chakra. Today I Bring an extraordinary guest Jeff Dagbo on the podcast to educate you on the simple steps you can take today to change your family history with money. I hope this podcast helps you shift your mindset and overcome the trauma you might have with money.
Here's an article I thought was interesting: How Generational Trauma Affects Your Finances and How to Heal
More about Jeff Dagbo: An investor, advisor, board member, and 2x founder with over a decade of experience. Leading Eate Digital, a SaaS startup, and advising private equity and venture capital firms and their operating partners across the deal cycle with a focus on aligning people, processes, and operating models to accelerate value creation.
You can contact Jeff by emailing him at Jeff@Truespaceventures.com
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How Generational Trauma Affects Your Finances and How to Heal with Jeff Dagbo