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Sacral Chakra- Energy Blockage With Sexuality, Creativity, and Childhood Trauma

Sacral Chakra- Energy Blockage With Sexuality, Creativity, and Childhood Trauma

The sacral chakra is the center of emotions, feelings and stimulates pleasure. It plays an active role in our sexuality and expression of our sexual needs and desires. When there's blockage with the sacral chakra ( chakra 2), one will experience guilt, lack of creativity, and imbalances with sex organs and sexuality. In this podcast, I will teach you how to heal from a blocked/dysfunctional sacral chakra using the five layers of energy.

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Join Nate Ortiz on BeGreatWithNate, your guide to overcoming generational trauma and poverty. As a holistic health coach and successful entrepreneur, Nate shares strategies for overcoming trauma, stress, and health barriers to success. Discover practical tips to transform your mental, physical, and emotional Embrace transformation and achieve your full potential, both personally and professionally. Tune in to revolutionize your journey to success with Nate's unique insights and methods.